Of course most labor-management cooperation pacts were born in bad times - often when a company faced going out of business or a union faced factory closings.
Singapore says the two countries have already agreed that the extradition treaty will be negotiated, together with a military cooperation pact.
The visit was successful with many results including the signing of a bilateral trade agreement and several cooperation pacts in education, tourism, culture and finance.
In 1989 Foreign Minister Moshe Arens visited Kenya to sign a cooperation pact.
Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland are discussing a cooperation pact on military procurement.
This is widely believed to refer to military cooperation pacts with Egypt and Libya.
Syria can't join forces with Turkey," said Vanzandt, "because of the Turkish military cooperation pact with Israel.
In my view, this cooperation pact should give clear guidelines on how we are to tackle organized crime within the framework of a pre-accession strategy.
Mr. Whitacre first alerted the Government to the conspiracy in November 1992 and was offered immunity for his role as part of a cooperation pact.
India and Russia have a military cooperation pact until 2010 which is likely to be extended or renewed.