As Pennsylvania's land grant college, the state and federal governments provide matching funds for research and cooperative extension in agriculture, home economics and related fields.
His colleagues at the agricultural cooperative extension affiliated with the university also worry about the effectiveness and expense of attacking the tick with insecticides.
"Duck farmers are producing a leaner, meatier, tastier bird," said Nils Berglund, livestock and poultry agent for the cooperative extension.
If the ivy extends beyond your reach, call a qualified arborist (your local county cooperative extension can provide a list of licensed arborists) to do it for you.
Subsequent laws required states to match federal funds for agricultural research stations and cooperative extension.
The Parent Information Network operates primarily as an information service, a latter-day cooperative extension for family issues.
The appropriation for cooperative extension is shared between the states based on the following formula.
"It has reached the breaking point," said Cathi Lamp, an economist and nutritionist at the cooperative extension and president of the FoodLink board.
The Smith-Lever Act of 1914 started federal funding of cooperative extension, with the land-grant universities' agents being sent to virtually every county of every state.
Homeowners should consider having a termite inspection every year, Mr. Weir of the cooperative extension said, and that will probably be included in your contract.