After analyzing the letters, cut from popular magazines and glued on paper sold at any stationery store, the cops had shrugged.
The cop shrugged petulantly and, gathering his squad, marched glowering away.
He'd seen cops shrug and sleepwalk through an investigation if they didn't feel the victim was worth their time.
The cop shows both palms up, shrugs as if he hasn't a clue, and then gets a revelation.
The cop shrugged and tried to say something, and Harsk cut him off.
The cop shrugged and shoveled peas and potatoes into his mouth.
Steve told him, and the cop shrugged, then sighed.
The American cop shrugged, stepped over Geoffrey's legs, and peered out.
The cop shrugged and turned to see his aides handcuffing the men who still stood.
The cop shrugged and put the balls away.