Jian held her breath, willing the machines to function correctly, for Manfred to have been copied correctly, for the interfaces to be sufficiently repaired "Got it," Vaughn said, and the words were a cheer.
In 1850 the Town of Middlebury sent a person to Essex, Vermont to examine a recently completed Burr Arch bridge, unfortunately the design was not copied correctly leading to the design flaws.
Perhaps this was because she had taken the fancy to do her plentiful fair hair in the old Plantagenet fashion, that is in two horns, which, with much ingenuity she had copied more or less correctly from the brass of an ancient, noble lady, whereof the two intended to take an impression.
One is the centromere, a region that helps the chromosome get copied correctly to each daughter cell when the cell divides.
When it was finished, I copied it in ink, and if correctly copied from my first draft it should read as follows.
First, to send an E-mail message, computer users must make sure every character of each address is copied correctly - not always an easy feat given how odd some of the addresses are.
He said he was astonished to find a woman who spent her day making sure that grant applicants had correctly copied information from Form A to Form B, and sending the forms back when discrepancies arose.
It verifies that the file was actually copied correctly.
This time she transcribed the entire conversation, pausing between sentences to make sure every word was copied correctly.
In 1275 Philip III of France put Parisian scriptoria under the control of the University of Paris which inspected manuscript books to verify that they were correctly copied.