The objective of training should be to improve ability to continue the normal coping process when presented with unforeseen circumstances.
There are very few theories that emphasize the coping process for emotions as compared to the information available concerning the emotion itself.
It also holds that the transition between stages involves a rational coping process referred to as processes of change.
A little bit of stress isn't a bad thing: it mobilises our bodies and energises us during the coping process.
Because the event (the jump) is known in advance, the effects of practice and mastery could be assessed, and efforts made to influence the coping process.
They need a final stage of the coping process: Deliverance.
He confides in Michonne, she too having experienced talking to a deceased loved one to help the coping process.
It is argued that putting one's life within a framework of religion is a very important part of the coping process.
"Without knowing if the missing person will come back, the grief process is frozen and so is the coping process," Professor Boss said.
Construct validity of an aspect of the coping process: Potential adaptation to stress.