In 1874 Gass had made important discoveries of beautiful and complex Native American art at the Cook farm, such as copper axes.
Even though they were enemies with the Mexica, the Mexica still traded with them, mainly for copper axes.
The European Battle Axe culture used stone axes modeled on copper axes, even with imitation "mold marks" carved in the stone.
The cities of Sumer had a legacy of intercity warfare, and the tools of these wars have been found in graves, such as copper axes and blades.
Here the local sulpharsenide ores smelted to produce the first copper axes used in Britain and Ireland.
Chalcolithic blade tools of black quartzite, small copper axes and fish hooks are also found.
Arus no doubt thought that he was making converts right and left, because the Picts listened to him, and refrained from smiting him with their copper axes.
A few other flanged copper axes exist but their dates are younger, making the man's the oldest known in Europe.
The makers of the stone knives and obsidian arrowheads and copper axes were not goblins.
The culture used Battle Axes which were stone versions of Central Europe's copper axes.