Shkai'ra broke off a bit from a copper coil and tossed it into his bowl.
In a shallow concrete pit there were four tapped beer kegs, the copper coils running up the side wall.
Inside the mask is a patented system of copper coils that its manufacturer calls a thermal exchange device.
A copper coil inside the box emitted three low touch tones; when I hit my send press el they picked that up through the hearing-aid.
Prewound copper coils could then be slid into place, and straight iron plates laid in to create a closed magnetic circuit.
It also heats all our water in winter, via a copper coil in the stovepipe.
The inventors say the magnetic fields are created with pairs of copper coils, arranged in concentric circles, one within another.
This powered a number of small engines with gleaming copper coils.
The process uses a copper coil inserted in a drain to absorb heat from wastewater and transfer it to incoming cold water.
As the copper coils spin within the magnets, electricity is produced.