In 2006, copper exports reached a historical high of US $33.3 billion.
Peru has allure, too, Mr. Anderson said, with its rising copper exports.
Completion of the line provided landlocked Zambia with an alternative route for its copper exports.
In 1978, Zambia had to breaks ranks and reopen links with Rhodesia for its copper exports.
The Zambian economy became extremely lop-sided, in that it relied inordinately upon copper exports.
Officially, about 37 percent of Zaire's copper exports and 90 percent of its cobalt exports left last year through South African ports.
The decline in earnings from copper exports has jolted the economy, leaving Zambia's industries operating at 30 percent of capacity.
Chile's overall trade profile has traditionally been dependent upon copper exports.
Up to 70% of Norway's copper export came from Visnes, which at that time was one of northern Europe's largest mines.
A landlocked African country that lies on the southern shore of Lake Tanganyika receives more than 80 percent of its foreign exchange from copper exports.