Projecting from the upper surface of the cabinet were two curved metal arms that ended in copper spheres separated by an air space.
Bartta dug in a cor-hide bag which hung at her waist and withdrew a tiny copper sphere.
V-shaped wands wrapped in copper wire stood around the tank, and over it hung a copper sphere.
In 1264, Rosso Padellaio was paid for the copper sphere on top of the dome.
The tower was completed March 10, 1198 with the installation of copper spheres on the tower's top.
Four large copper spheres with very thin skins are attached to a deck.
Above the clock is a gilt copper sphere, a time ball that rises up a mast every hour and falls on the hour.
The copper sphere gave off pale, shifting glints as it was struck by the last rays of the sun that came through the great stained-glass windows.
A glass bell with a pneumatic pump, two-cylinder, a kind of alembic, with a cup underneath and, to the right, a copper sphere.
A variety of heads were flown in these tests, including a plain copper sphere and a silica sphere.