There was, as we have seen, much interest in the copper veins, and not without surprise we find this continued into the 1700's.
The parson quickly told Kid Kirby what had happened during his absence, and of the discovery of a rich copper vein in Navajo Valley.
It has been proposed that prior to trade with Europeans, copper was acquired from natural copper veins along riverbeds, but this has not been proven.
They find a small copper vein, that is the same as that off the Anaconda Mine, which is making a lot of money.
Word quickly spread of the richness of the copper veins.
Hard rock silver mining began in 1874, then rich copper veins were discovered in 1882.
Currently Chile's huge copper vein in the Atacama Desert is held in the lands claimed by Bolivia.
It was in Visnes that the copper vein that provided material for the Statue of Liberty was found.
There is also evidence of actual mining of copper veins(Old Copper Complex), but disagreement exists as to the dates.
Butte flourished as a silver-mining district until miners tunneled into large copper veins in 1882.