A copy of the Telegraph was lying on the desk with the front page turned towards me as I came in.
On it lies a copy of Bob Dylan's "Chronicles."
An open copy of Nell McAfferty lies helplessly in the doorway.
Beside him on the table lies an artist's sketchbook and Henry's copy of Albinus.
Under glass on a long table in the center of the room lies a copy of the 15-page protocol that emerged from the meeting.
A copy of that morning's Post was lying face down on his desk; at least the vastly disturbing headlines were out of sight.
He was seated at the writing table, where a copy of a Baltimore newspaper was lying.
The only known copy of the film has lain for almost 100 years in the Russian State archives.
Several copies of The Financial Orbit were lying about.
Feldman's copy was lying on the desk.