They copied his work blindly, afraid to make changes in case they modified something vital.
He failed to gain a copyright on this work and others profited by copying his work.
Furthermore, 58.3 percent of high school students let someone else copy their work in 1969, and 97.5 percent did so in 1989.
However, he did not want to copy his own work and refused to do the final script for the new film.
A related concept is plagiarism, copying others' work and passing it off as one's own.
"If we copied anything at the design school," he said, "we copied our own work."
She was taught to copy others' work.
It's not flattering that people are out there copying her work.
Copyright is the right of an author(s) to prevent others from copying their creative work without a license.
Wang's response was, "I don't need to copy other people's work.