For the past ten years the club has not been able to copy this achievement under its new name.
Tellis continued to copy, his eyes on the book, the quill nearly a blur under fingers swift and sure.
Columba copied the manuscript at the scriptorium under Saint Finnian, intending to keep the copy.
Ellenborough could not resist the temptation to copy Napoleon's magniloquent proclamation under the pyramids.
Intertype copied the face under the same name and added a variant, News Gothic Bold (1955).
Hall studied law and copied and prepared judicial opinions under Hooker's supervision and instruction for over three years.
Many other manufacturers copied the design labeling under their own brand, while still claiming NE1000/NE2000 compatibility.
Advertising Age, June 9, 2003, page 6, "Copy tests under fire from new set of critics", mentions us through a quote by Kastenholz.
However national libraries in many countries do have a legal right to copy portions of the web under an extension of a legal deposit.