Now music labels were recognized as having a copyright interest in the recording itself, separately from the composer and performer.
Notwithstanding "some small degree of infringement," he wrote, "no significant copyright interest would be served by an injunction." The Unlicense is a template for disclaiming copyright interest in software.
However, he worried that incumbent publishers would "claim that their slavish reproduction-scanning the documents-created a new copyright interest."
While copyright interests in the collection were not transferred, its contents are open for research.
Why does it have to check its innards and announce everyone who has ever had a copyright interest in it?
Privacy and publicity rights reflect separate and distinct interests from copyright interests.
The major legal citation systems required cites to the officially published page numbers, in which publishers such as West Publishing claimed a copyright interest.
It allows Mr. Nabokov to protect his copyright interests in his father's book, which has sold 50 million copies in 20 languages.
Of course, that does give rise to some reasonable concerns about the protection of legitimate copyright interests in this age.