They may in turn produce spinal cord dysfunction and weakness or paralysis.
Spinal cord dysfunction can lead to muscle weakness, reduced sensation, or loss of bladder and bowel control.
Vocal cord dysfunction is the uncontrolled closing of the vocal cords when you breathe in.
Sometimes vocal cord dysfunction happens quickly and may require a trip to the emergency room.
The following factors may help your health professional evaluate vocal cord dysfunction, especially in people who do not have asthma.
In these people, vocal cord dysfunction may be associated with anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and a history of being sexually abused.
Asthma mimics, including cardiac asthma and vocal cord dysfunction, may have similar symptoms but are treated differently.
In both populations vocal cord dysfunction may present similarly.
Vocal cord dysfunction is often diagnosed after all other potential conditions are ruled out.
The uncontrolled closing of the vocal cords when breathing in (vocal cord dysfunction).