After the attack, the center was closed, and it remains today a vacant corner storefront.
Also, their corner storefront (near a bus stop, no less) will offer a great deal of publicity for the event, luring in a good cross section of people.
Last Friday, Soft Skull opened its new home in Boerum Hill, a sunny corner storefront on Bond Street near Atlantic Avenue.
When the corner storefront on Hampton Road and Main Street became available, he leased what seemed a prime restaurant property.
It occupies a quietly luxurious corner storefront just a block up the hill from Fisherman's Wharf.
Around 2008, the Pirate Cat team added a "quaint cafe" to the 21st and Florida Street operation, serving up lattes on a corner storefront.
The corner storefront is atop a bluff southwest of downtown.
Situated in a corner storefront, just below the Metro-North overpass at South Main and Washington Streets, Sweptaway could not have better visibility.
The little corner storefront is open to passersby; inside you'll find art in progress, musical performances and occasional film screenings.
In Frederiksted, the port city, economic depression is being lifted by signs like the one in a vacant corner storefront announcing, "Coming soon.