A normal politician would have "invited" corporate allies to a few fund raisers, cleared the debt, and reciprocated with a few favors.
His corporate allies are deserting him.
Since we have no corporate allies, where we are going to get the funding for our planetary defense is a major question.
Turkish state may fool the poor Turks using their corporate allies in the media sector.
Conservatives' corporate allies generally oppose such proposals.
However, the publicity surrounding the negotiations has made potential corporate allies skittish, according to an executive close to the talks.
Make his corporate allies rich and destroy the essential underpinnings of American democracy.
That, according to people involved, was the struggle to win corporate allies - most crucially, Mr. Messier and Vivendi.
The justices listened attentively but appeared to doubt whether this case was the right vehicle for the broad ruling the administration and its corporate allies were seeking.
The administration's determined efforts to satisfy its corporate allies at the expense of the environment show no signs of abating.