It had a corporate cousin in the "one year only" 1970 Plymouth Superbird.
Among small companies, which have suffered from an inability to borrow far more than their bigger corporate cousins, sentiment fell to its lowest level ever.
However, the former corporate cousins still maintain a news partnership.
For Disney, one of the biggest changes is that its various sites are not trying as hard to promote their corporate cousins.
Even though other media companies have invested in electronic networks, they have been, at best, corporate cousins of news outlets.
Or maybe that's a corporate second cousin.
And, on numerous occasions, publications have written critically about their corporate cousins.
But so far, while some network morning programs have promoted their corporate cousins, there have been few instances of news suppression.
The way some investors see it, Toyota is using their money to prop up its ailing corporate cousins.
Take a look at the aforementioned corporate cousins.