The agency's focus today was limited primarily to issues of corporate disclosure.
For the first time, Mr. Bush called for government action to force greater corporate disclosure of financial information.
Dilution is disclosed on a quarterly and an annual basis in corporate financial disclosures.
Washington should be working to expand corporate disclosure and accountability, rather than moving to allow polluters to conceal their toxic releases.
No one yet knows the final answers, but at the end of the process, we will have a better system of corporate disclosure and financial reporting.
His particular area of expertise is in corporate disclosure of environmental information.
Provisions included measures about corporate disclosure, auto insurance and tax.
His work focuses on making corporate boards more effective, and improving corporate disclosure.
But I was interested in the things they were trying to do to require corporate disclosure of corrupt foreign practices.
But while the association approved these changes, it opposed any broader revisions in regulations, like extending the rules on corporate disclosure to the municipal market.