Seated behind the lawyers are two guys with hard-nosed corporate looks about them.
But now lobbying has turned into a well-ordered global business, with the influence game taking on a decidedly corporate look.
He has shed his beard and long hair for the more corporate, clean-cut look of the Yankees.
He is also known for projecting a professional, "corporate" look from the sidelines.
No color or clash of patterns is too daring for these men, who are annihilating the corporate look.
A major part of this was the standardisation, i.e. a more corporate look across the Sky channels.
But it should not be too slavish: rogue elements add excitement and avoid the corporate look.
"We thought her work was very special, in that it had a corporate look."
However on 1 February 2011, Sky entertainment channels gave a corporate look again.
"I think fougere seems good for your corporate, sophisticated look."