In this 1909 essay he shows his concern for pervasive corporate monopoly as a threat to social equality and democratic government.
A character provides two examples as a presidency with term limits, and laws to prevent against corporate monopolies.
Also a bit back to 1984, but this time in the form or a corporate monopoly.
Frank Norris's work often includes depictions of suffering caused by corrupt and greedy turn-of-the-century corporate monopolies.
Just wishful thinking from silly MacPeasants rooting for a corporate monopoly.
Markets controlled by large corporate monopolies.
In the South, the agenda centered on demands of government control of transportation and communication, in order to break the power of corporate monopolies.
A corporate monopoly threatens democracy almost as much as a state monopoly does.
FOSS is the teachers holy grail, but it sucks for incumbent corporate monopolies.
Today, 91% of the same resources are owned by corporate monopolies.