But corporate payrolls rose slightly in May after seven straight substantial falls.
Employees on their corporate payrolls, for example, are often detailed to do work for the organization.
Though there is a real recovery under way, the growth has yet to be translated into an equally robust expansion of corporate payrolls.
'You've been making a bloody exception in my case ever since I've been on the corporate payroll' he yelled.
Some of the highest-paid executives at Enron last year are no longer on a corporate payroll.
"You can't be on a corporate payroll and the Federal payroll at the same time."
But they employ 4.9 million Americans, which is 500,000 fewer than the American corporate payroll abroad.
His legislative staff has been thick with local Republican officials and their relatives, some of whom have also been on his corporate payroll.
I explained I'd be off the corporate payroll in two months.
Then came the recession and the much-publicized shrinking of corporate payrolls.