Even the highest salaries at nonprofit organizations do not measure up to the highest corporate salaries, which run into the millions of dollars.
Why, candidate Clinton asked, should taxpayers subsidize those multimillion-dollar corporate salaries?
It is cheaper than central Hong Kong and popular with young Westerners, journalists and others not on corporate salaries.
Under the plan, Pasona offered to broker agreements between big companies that wanted to reduce staff and smaller companies that could not afford to pay corporate salaries.
Small entrepreneurs are OK but corporate salaries are "obscene."
Max pointed out during mediation that he had planned his life around the assumption that her corporate salary would subsidize his nonprofit one.
Ignoring this message would likely give impetus to the legislation in Congress, which is not the place to set corporate salaries, or prompt shareholders to return with a binding proposal.
Even so, Heikki thought, it still proves a corporate salary's better than mine.
Wall Street money and big corporate salaries have driven up the going price for otherwise modest houses.
Obscene corporate salaries in the news?