The top group's share of corporate wealth has grown by half since 1991, when it was 38.7 percent.
For every group below the top 1 percent, shares of corporate wealth have declined since 1991.
But laws and institutions were needed first to prevent powerful shareholders from channeling corporate wealth into their own pockets.
A one-time tax on corporate wealth would also be appropriate.
That's a hijacking of corporate wealth by top managers.
The market for buying sports teams is not as robust as it was before sliding financial markets eroded corporate and individual wealth.
Capital (all types collectively) is often the tool that is leveraged in order to build wealth both personal and corporate.
Ms. Sassen points out that globalization means much more than the transnational integration of corporate wealth.
However, this loss of a major funding source increased pressure on parties to solicit funding from corporate and individual wealth.
Brand image, the source of so much corporate wealth, is also, it turns out, the corporate Achilles' heel.