He views his father's fleshy, corpulent body with horror: this is what he will become.
Iuconnu's face became taut, the muscles sagged, and the corpulent body crumpled to the floor.
He threw a last glance at the observation screen before he lifted his corpulent body out of the chair and went to the door.
In addition, the corpulent new body is more rigid, with stiffness increased by 25 percent.
In the Freud paintings, Bowery's corpulent body makes a staggering sight.
Skandagupta's corpulent little body began to swell like a toad.
Each of the creatures had a human rider, visible in a harness sutured to the corpulent body.
Cranston's face sagged and Athelstan felt a tremor run through the great, corpulent body.
As he snorted in an effort to bend his corpulent body forward, Riebsam frowned at him strangely.
She had too much finesse to be associated with such a corpulent body.