The design was praised for its unobtrusiveness, correct ratio and the accuracy of its action.
I will be immediately heading out tomorrow morning and having laser eye surgery to rectify my 4:3 vision to the correct ratio.
Perhaps you could give the correct ratio in metric so we can apply the principle to our own work.
I don't think I suggested action is all, nor that there is any correct ratio.
The folks there may even tell you the correct ratio of beads to paint.
The better models offer a harmonious combination of arm and leg exercise in the correct ratios.
Berzelius was annoyed to keep on getting the correct ratio 1.33.
When you killed them with a full injection, their first blood changes were slow, and did not reach the correct ratio for a full hour.
Is there some correct ratio for the perfect nitrating mixture?
They knew nothing of balance, correct ratios, the art which turned dead wood into a thing alive.