If the nerve fails to pass on the correct signals, the limb becomes useless.
If the correct signals were received, assistance - in whatever measure required - would be quickly and discreetly provided.
It then transmits the correct signal on the same frequencies used for the current ILS system.
"We shall have another electronic link established with your HO, which will render those buttons inoperable until the correct signal is sent."
Once the correct signal is received, the computer then automatically names the shelf or drawer where the document can be found.
No one got out of the trailer when the jeep drove slowly past, obeying all the signs and making all the correct signals.
With a second touch, she sprang into a gallop; either she had been taught never to trot or I hadn't given the correct signal.
One way of looking at this is to image the CD player as constantly guessing at the correct signal from slightly insufficient data.
The raps he gave were the correct signal.
It is vitally important to give the correct signal to the outside world, in the form of this recommendation.