The rich nations have developed very politically correct terminology for their destitute neighbors.
I think it is very important that everyone should use the correct "terminology".
As the title promises, it explains the biological process of human reproduction, using correct terminology and graphic pictures.
But it was obvious that his mind was not on the correct terminology for what Blade had so so nearly done.
It is possible that someone might now discuss correct terminology without knowing that the same discussion had already taken place 20 years earlier.
It is of course the correct terminology, as many people have been pointing out.
The subject matter of the meetings is very similar to that of their earlier seminars-mostly covering things like correct terminology and treatment in the workplace.
She wasn't sure what the correct terminology was: Follower?
In this limited sense, telephone "exchange" is exactly correct terminology.
It would be a poor show if the legal texts did not contain the correct and necessary terminology.