Connecticut's imperfections were seen today as an aberration, a combination of correctable errors and inevitable first-time nerves.
He contended that the films showed "correctable" errors by the Jets' defense.
Specifically, "In more than 85% of the cases a correctable error is followed by at least one more correctable error in the same month".
In 2010 Rosenberg founded, a "service for reporting specific, correctable errors and problems in media coverage."
Predictive failure analysis to predict which intermittent correctable errors will lead eventually to hard non-correctable errors.
Both are correctable errors, to Glomeraceae and Glomerales, as governed by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature.
These are all correctable errors.
Certain controllers allow to replace a single hard disk even before it fails, for example because S.M.A.R.T or another disk test reports too many correctable errors.
It reduces the likelihood that single correctable errors will accumulate; thus, reducing the risk of uncorrectable errors.
This is not a correctable error, the ruling is that the shot was taken before the buzzer.