Because PRML can correctly decode a weaker signal it allows higher density recording.
This redundancy results in a higher chance of being able to use one or more of the received copies to correctly decode the received signal.
Note that decoding via standard array does not guarantee that all vectors are decoded correctly.
The correctly decoded and critically analysed text was first published in 2007.
Hence, if both and are inverted, will still be decoded correctly.
Each team member will be given three attempts to correctly decode the warrior's code or else they have to go back to the starting line.
When correctly decoded, the information sent by the series of photons will generate a a key, known to the sender and receiver, that can be used for conventional encryption.
The last byte () is also within the code range 0x00-0x7F and can be decoded correctly.
"The cryptography," Spock said, "decoded correctly, but I wished to take some extra time to be sure of the encoded 'signatures' associated with the material."
Such self-clocking signals can be decoded correctly into a stream of bits without bit slip.