For instance, poorly adjusted vehicle detector systems, used to trigger signal changes, may not correctly detect cyclists.
The garbage collector can detect and correctly reclaim object graphs with cycles in them.
Often, the system correctly detects a person answering the call, but no agent is available.
For example, the TextEdit application in Leopard will correctly detect when a file it's working on has moved.
Obviously, all this interference adds to the above-mentioned problems to make it even more difficult to correctly detect and decode the signal we want.
Correctly detecting the cause of an infection often requires diligence, shoe leather epidemiology and some luck.
His only hope, he correctly detected, was if the training here- and the life-were too rigorous, too taxing both emotionally and physically for this woman.
The probability of correctly detecting an invalid model is 1 - β.
An interesting attribute that phonagnosics possess is that they can correctly detect emotions in voices when someone talks to them.
The autonegotiating end of the connection is still able to correctly detect the speed of the other end, but cannot correct the duplex mode.