We did look like invited guests, dressed correctly, but not overdone.
Marcel stood by the bed, dressed correctly in black, and his face dripped with tears like a black roof in storm.
He had money in the bank, dressed correctly, and resided in respectable bourgeois houses.
They might feel they don't know enough about history, or they are not dressed correctly, or they won't fit in with other visitors.
The idiot wasn't correctly dressed and I could see that inside of half an hour he wasn't going to be able to take the cold.
Their suit may not be exactly like yours, but you know you are dressed correctly because it's Armani.
Contrasted to this brilliantly dressed crowd were the politicians, correctly dressed in evening black.
"Very severe looking and correctly dressed, like a banker or something."
It is more a standard, a form of self-reliance, a determination that if one has to go in the end, better be correctly dressed.
"I'm sorry I'm not dressed correctly," I said, looking straight ahead of me.