Passive systems are dependent on a certain degree of illumination to the subject (whether natural or otherwise), while active systems may focus correctly even in total darkness when necessary.
Under the "character of the dealing" factor, the Board correctly focused its analysis on the fact that multiple copies of the same excerpt were made at one time for dissemination to the whole class.
The Nikonos series allowed the use of water contact optics: i.e., lenses designed to be used whilst submerged, without the ability to focus correctly when used in air.
Consequently early Russian lenses should not be used on postwar cameras as they will not focus correctly, although results may be adequate when stopped down.
By providing an air space in front of the eyes, light enters normally and the eye is able to focus correctly.
To the Editor: In "The Budget Illusion" (editorial, Jan. 28), regarding the president's balanced budget proposal, you correctly focus on the need for honest budgeting and consistency.
To help human resources employees focus correctly, the authors offer a 14-point plan.
They had the best equipment in the world, all of it sent in on the free boats via the Finn Sadal, and it was beginning to focus correctly at last.
She correctly focuses attention on police misconduct, abuses in prisons, discrimination against ethnic minorities, failings in criminal proceedings and the vestiges of inequalities between men and women.
The report correctly focuses on this issue and on the objectives that are pursued by the Commission with its initiatives.