The building correctly represented the committee's lack of status.
In this case, we should not accept Russell's analysis as correctly representing the reporter's assertion.
It correctly represents the religious spirit of ancient India.
However, the traditional view may not correctly represent the procellariiformes' phylogeny.
There is independent evidence in Anselm's letters that these reported words correctly represent his idea of the relations between king and archbishop.
The goal is to build and support a mental model that correctly represents modern object-oriented programming systems.
The game follows the 1970 census, and correctly represents the electoral college apportionment for each state.
This model more correctly represents the location of electron density within the aromatic ring.
As further dimensions are added to the system, it becomes very difficult to maintain spreadsheets that correctly represent the multi-dimensional values.
It operates in Unicode to ensure that all alphabets can be represented easily and correctly.