Belgian intelligence and the military attaché in Cologne correctly suggested the Germans would not commence the invasion with this plan.
'Esop fable'(May) correctly suggests that employee share ownership plans have got off to a slow start.
The name correctly suggests that this 75 kilometre-long river is fast flowing, with numerous rapids.
You correctly suggest that different social settings permit different behavior.
The family name of Yo-Yo Ma is spoken with a falling and rising intonation whose cantering motion correctly suggests the meaning, "horse."
This way of putting it at least has the merit of correctly suggesting that Heisenberg's procedure was closer to the way in which people were used to thinking about dynamics.
If Manetho suggested correctly (remembering the tradition), Semerkhet was the father.
To the Editor: The editorial correctly suggests three distinct but unquestionably related solutions to issues in American education today.
Mr. Blinken correctly suggests that the Bush administration should look for ways to enhance ooperation between NATO and Russia.
However, New York Sun journalist Jacob Gershman reviewed the book just before it was released, and correctly suggested to which university and professor the pseudonyms referred.