The vast bulk of Internet traffic is TCP and UDP packets, and for these protocols the port numbers are changed so that the combination of IP and port information on the returned packet can be unambiguously mapped to the corresponding private address and port information.
He shifted the bags slightly and continued, "There's a special crisscross directory that'll give you the corresponding address if you have the phone number."
If Cheney couldn't manage to get me Misty's address, I'd revert to the old-fashioned method-check the public library for the criss-cross directory where phone numbers are listed in numerical order and matched with the corresponding address.
The corresponding address including e-mail is at the secretary.
List of SCF and their corresponding physical addresses (Private Vendor)
Other hosts can then resolve the peer name, retrieve the corresponding addresses and other information, and establish peer-to-peer connections.
The GNU C library provides various operating system facilities that shell commands and other applications can call to resolve such names to the corresponding addresses or IDs, and vice-versa.
Each decoder has its own address, instructions sent from the controller have a corresponding address so that while every active decoder will receive the instructions only the addressed decoder will respond.
The corresponding informal German address is du.
Before leaving the ball field, it suddenly occurs to Sherry to check the second number Howard had given her earlier as his "answering service", and she calls the police station to get the corresponding address.