On an outline map of England in a school examination various areas were lettered and a corresponding answer required.
Contestants must then output the corresponding answer in a specified format to the output file.
Life of Soul consists of six questions together with the corresponding answers.
Officials were suspicious of a pattern of corresponding incorrect answers, and accused the students of cheating.
The corresponding answer provides the missing information and in so doing, the redundant information that appeared in the question is elided, e.g.
Unfortunately he was not able to bring the proper amount of concentration into play, because the officer kept asking new questions and waited for the corresponding answers.
May we have your permission to forward your question outside the Library of Congress if necessary and to archive your question and corresponding answer?
Replies: Hello, Here are two of possible ways of interpreting the question and the corresponding answers.
The form of the poem is mainly greppaminni, principally a form of questions and corresponding answers.
To the Editor: It's rare to find a scientific inquiry and its corresponding answer in two unrelated articles in the same issue.