There had not been a corresponding decline for neoclassical economics in the academic sphere however.
No corresponding decline in incidence in women older than age 69 years was ever seen.
The farm sector went into decline after 1976 which led to a corresponding decline in the population.
The value of real estate in the neighborhood suffered a corresponding decline.
There was a corresponding decline in the luxury trade and credit became expensive.
However, such an event produces a corresponding decline in competition performance for males.
The absence of a corresponding decline in women's wear can be explained by differences in how men and women regard shopping.
That did not lead to a corresponding decline in revenues, in part because tax rates were raised to make up the difference.
Between 1990 and 1995, part-time work among older workers began trending upward with a corresponding decline in full-time employment.
At first glance, one might be moved to think that the general rise in our prosperity has led to a corresponding decline in common sense.