Although prepositional adverbs are largely associated with Germanic languages, those of other classes occasionally have corresponding features.
The singer adjusts to various pitch levels and melodic contours of the tune in accordance with the corresponding linguistic features of the text.
By virtue of simple physics, the corresponding distinctive feature - in this case, 'voicing' - cannot be somewhere in between.
Finally, the figures below show the learned motorbike model with shape and appearance of parts, and the corresponding features.
Then a receiving system can allow a user to select a GD&T callout and get the corresponding feature highlighted on the shape of the product.
The corresponding regions can be found by detecting the corresponding features.
The apparent contradiction between these descriptions is resolved by different ways of corresponding features of the automaton's state with particles.
Gummibär's right iris and pupil is greater in size than the corresponding left-sided features.
This lowest score indicates that the algorithm has found the best match of corresponding features in both images.
Verbal stems have corresponding morphological features, the root present and the root aorist.