The dedicate experiences the corresponding loss of that attribute.
Large infantry units can be split into smaller, less effective units with a corresponding loss in morale.
Therefore, once protein sources are utilized for energy, there will be also be corresponding loss of fluid.
The program's financial incentives will be lost if every dollar a family earns is accompanied by a corresponding loss in public benefits.
This has caused people with other accents to move to Sussex and the corresponding loss of the southern dialect.
But it showed corresponding losses of white enrollment, particularly in the first years of desegregation.
To economists, further growth in textile and apparel imports - and the corresponding loss of jobs - may be good.
Some devices offer "long play" modes with compression up to 5x higher than original signal, with corresponding loss of quality.
When the war went badly, however, there were corresponding losses.
A finding otherwise would allow a mortgagee to recognize a tax loss without suffering a corresponding economic loss.