Products which are sold unassembled or unfinished may also have a picture of the finished product, without a corresponding picture of what the customer is actually buying.
And the hearer also may only pay attention to the words, and not call up any corresponding picture.
Ms. Moffett had to read a story to each of her students, then have the student write about it and draw a corresponding picture.
The same process occurs at the printers on the field, which means that coaches in the box and the players on the field can discuss corresponding pictures.
"This is the base of the funicular in Le Râleur, "He narrated along with the corresponding pictures.
Traditionally, only the first person to spot the roadkill is entitled to mark off the corresponding picture.
Each word has a corresponding picture to help children remember the word meaning.
He/she tries to match words with their corresponding pictures, located randomly in the level.
Pieces are placed onto the corresponding pictures of the animals which are invariably shown on the Jungle board.
As seen on the corresponding picture of the Mazda T2500 in the Philippines, it is colored blue with a closed van chassis.