The two's complement of a negative number is the corresponding positive value.
That is, each data member of an object, in turn, will be copy-initialized with the corresponding value from the initializer-list.
The corresponding values for the K1-specific phage were 1.7 and 0.3.
This is shorter than the corresponding value of Nile red with 3.65 ns.
It is unusual for an objective endeavor, a research, to have corresponding values.
The corresponding value for the distribution of iodine in benzene and water is about 400.
Negative values are the bit complement of the corresponding positive value.
Higher even powers have been much studied, but less is known about the corresponding average value.
The teams earned money by getting the question right to where the dart lands in the corresponding value.
In older literature, cm mol is sometimes used with corresponding values 1000 times larger.