Therefore these tubes are exposed to higher corrosion rates.
"Something happened to the corrosion rates in that line between September 2005 and the time of the spill that we don't yet fully understand."
Gamma irradiation has little effect on the corrosion rate.
These materials are better though because at high temperatures the corrosion rates did not increase much.
There are also compound units such as "mils per year" used to express corrosion rates.
It also greatly accelerates the corrosion rates by atmospheric oxygen.
If water is allowed to accumulate in pockets, those areas will experience higher corrosion rates, so provision for drainage must be made.
Alcohol increases the corrosion rate at the potentiometer, as it is capable of carrying current like water.
Once bacterial slime starts to grow, the corrosion rate of the system increases.
If salt water is used, corrosion rates can be very high.