"He performs an important service in casting a skeptical light on a medium more often seen as a utopian technology than as a potentially corrosive force."
It is the same corrosive force one sees at work in the fight over the HPV vaccine.
Many glass floats show distinctive wear patterns from the corrosive forces of sand, sun, and salt water.
Water is the most important corrosive force, dissolving the limestone by chemical action of its natural acidity.
But let's not forget that the really corrosive cultural forces come in the form of the easygoing narcissism that surrounds us every day.
For some African Americans the kind spirituality learned through these churches works as a protective factor against the corrosive forces of racism.
The sense that a rogue element are "getting away with it" is a corrosive force in these communities.
The corrosive forces of corruption are illustrated in specific scenes throughout the film.
She stopped suddenly as doubt struck her with vicious and corrosive force.
But I like deficits less because I think they are a far more corrosive force.