Asbestos, usually in bonded corrugated panels, has been used widely in the 20th century as an inexpensive, non-flammable roofing material with excellent insulating properties.
The design of the building takes many of its cues from the shipping industry, using blue and white corrugated panels in a checkerboard pattern that evoke the image of stacked intermodal containers widely seen at the Port of Rotterdam.
He saw the corrugated panels again, four seconds before he reached them.
They are built of scrap wood and metal and corrugated panels and plastic tarpaulin roofs weighed down with concrete chunks.
Overlapping corrugated panels of perforated stainless steel and fiberglass-reinforced plastic appear solid from one angle, semitransparent from another.
If open, depending on climate they may feature plastic or fiberglass corrugated panels overhead, to divert rain and provide some measure of shade.
Lined in corrugated panels of brass and stainless steel, these cabs manage to mix modernist sleekness with a lively texture that becomes more interesting the closer you are to it.
The airport's ancient hangars were dilapidated monstrosities, corrugated panels flapping dangerously as they awaited the reclamation crews.
Several roof girders buckled, sagging down, corrugated panels scythed into the flames.
Early sets used corrugated panels, while sets made after 1987 had a beaten style.