He resigned after refusing to submit to a corrupt inspector who attempted to ask him for bribes.
Nothing Could Be Told "This was not a case where you could simply identify two corrupt inspectors and move ahead," Ms. Shepard said.
By taking refuge in a police station, the two young men understand that their pursuers are actually corrupt inspectors.
Buildings Commissioner Charles M. Smith Jr. scolded the crowd for jeering and said corrupt inspectors had "destroyed the public trust" in city government.
But investigators said yesterday that almost as soon as the center was opened, corrupt inspectors found ways to override the tests.
The inspectors and their supervisors acted in concert, directing cabs to inspection lanes with corrupt inspectors.
But defense lawyers argued that the prosecution witnesses were corrupt inspectors who got caught and testified to obtain leniency.
Veerabhadran is shot dead by corrupt inspector and collector.
"If corrupt inspectors had overlooked conditions that would have been a danger to the public, we would have intervened immediately," Ms. Breen said.
The corrupt inspector, whose position has become shaky, retreats to Mashhad.