It portrays corrupt leadership as the flaw in revolution, rather than the act of revolution itself.
Just consider these scofflaws, constituting perhaps one of the most corrupt Congressional leaderships ever.
They can thank their corrupt, self-centred leadership for that.
All of it, from its corrupt and inbred male leadership to its vicious class distinctions.
New Russian faces are needed to replace the corrupt and besotted local leadership.
Fists raised in unison, they had finally had enough of decades of corrupt leadership.
Or will the voters simply have ousted an aging and corrupt leadership, leaving Japan in the hands of their disciples?
"We did have some corrupt leadership, but we had some good, honest people in this city."
The central event is the assassination of an outspoken politician who has been criticizing the nation's corrupt leadership.
They did not elect leaders so as to not create hierarchies and to prevent corrupt leadership.