Fame has made the former rebel into a smug, uncommitted and corrupt member of the musical establishment.
Things were so bad that Chancellor Rudy Crew tried repeatedly to rid school boards of corrupt members.
Lukashenko's government was also plagued by corrupt members.
Prosecutors charged that corrupt members of this local enriched themselves through no-show jobs.
I hope the media and governments pile on the pressure on those corrupt members who clearly have votes for sale.
"Attempting to corrupt a member of my government, and corruption by a member of my government."
The court found that the materials was "what they considered to be a tendency to corrupt members of an age group of females described as unstable adolescents."
At some stage Phillip managed to corrupt two members of an extraterrestrial species.
He constantly fought corrupt members of the police department, lazy judges, and the press just to name a few.
Punish all those who offer bribes and corrupt members of the bureaucracy.