- The ongoing criminal inquiries into corrupt payments to police officers at the News of the World.
This inquiry was to investigate allegations of corrupt payments to politicians regarding political decisions.
In total it was claimed he had over 20 different bank accounts to hide corrupt payments.
Jan 12 2012 - Westfield pleads guilty to accepting corrupt payments.
Five councillors are specifically named as having received corrupt payments.
No such evidence emerged in court, though the documents released yesterday charged that there were "corrupt payments to members" of the bank's Eastern European division.
He has been accused of providing approval for allegedly corrupt payments to be made in the course of presidential campaigning.
Scannapieco admitted receiving the following corrupt payments in exchange for his official action:
Burke eventually admitted to receiving IR£30,000 (€38,000) in a corrupt payment and chose to resign.
This part of the Inquiry will also look into the original police investigation and the issue of corrupt payments to police officers.