Doctor Strange steps in and casts a spell which successfully purges her of Selene's corruptive influence.
By thus removing themselves from the corruptive influences of the church, they could live in humble obedience to God.
I am more than happy to pay for political party funding via my taxes if it means and end to the corruptive influence of big business in politics.
It has a corruptive influence on law enforcement and public officials.
The Pageant is in keeping with the year's theme and generally has a storyline of positive community transformation after the community has been challenged by corruptive influences.
In a telephone interview last week, he said that "as long as athletes are admitted on lower standards than other students, sports is a corruptive influence on higher education."
After more than a few glasses of wine, some loudly declared this development yet another example of the ongoing corruptive influence of big business on artisan food.
The power of incumbency coupled with the corruptive influence of power can only be successfully challenged by placing term limits on our elected officials.
Atrocitus can deliberately override the corruptive influence of the red energy on his followers by using his magic: he merely never chooses to do so.
Unlike Chosa, I see their culture as a corruptive influence on Japan.